Saturday 6 July 2013

Putting some N7 back in this blog; a painted saviour of the galaxy

Been playing more Mass Effect after a couple months cheating with other video games. Feels so good to be delivering ass-kicking with my trusty Talon once again. Shotgun pistols FTW.
Anyway, way back when I started this blog I promised ME miniature goodness, and so far I've failed to deliver. I've not been idle on this front, however, having sunk way too much money into the Mantic Deadzone kickstarter, since the terrain from that looks perfect for building some ME inspired boards. I've also got some Mantic Enforcers on order to use as Cerberus troops. So things are happening slowly, I just don't have much to show for it yet.
But, determined to rectify this, tonight I knocked out my Northstar male Shepard. These models are REALLY nicely detailed, almost every panel line is present. The downside is that the detail is super shallow, which makes it hard to paint. Scale wise, the models are slightly on the tall side for heroic 28mm, but also much slimmer, with smaller heads and hands. They shouldn't look too out of place though. Hopefully Northstar will produce some more crew from the Normandy.

Overall I'm happy with how Shepard has turned out. He only took about two hours to paint, and there's not much more I feel I could do, though I did realise after taking photos that I hadn't finished his skin. Black/grey flat armour is pretty hard to make look good, it just ends up looking flat and plain. I've added what details there are, he has his N7 stripes and insignia, and I'm very pleased with how the glow effects turned out. His weapon is an M7 Lancer, slightly anachronistic considering it's supposed to be an archaic First Contact War weapon, but it's far superior to the bog standard M8 Avenger.

Macro photography is not kind to black :/

For reference, here's what the armour should look like:

Anyway, let me know what you think, I always appreciate feedback.

~ Alex/Magos

1 comment:

  1. Just quietly WOWZERZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maaaaaaatttteeeeeeee that is fricken awesome, you've killed it. Seriously that is by far your best work and you can tell you've put a lot of love into it. Im very very jelly.
