Saturday 2 November 2013

Something Tiny, Something Epic; real life, Bloodbowl and 6mm 40k

Few things to share today, more Bloodbowl, a new project, and some personal stuff. 

On a personal front, at the start of next year I will be moving from my current abode in rural NSW, to the (less) sunny shores of Warrnambool. The biggest upshot of this is that there is actually a gaming club in Warrnambool, not to mention that it's far closer to my spiritual home gaming club, the Massive in Melbourne.
So hopefully this will mean gaming will once again be a weekly occurrence, as opposed to the handful of times a year thing it's been for the last four years. 
On the downside, well, moving sucks (and I've done it more than most people), and there'll be the hassle of finding gainful employment etc. So chances are this blog will become (more) infrequent during January/February as I pack up, move, and set up again. Probably won't get much painting done.

Anyway, enough of the boring real life nonsense. I got some painting done tonight.

First off, a WIP pic of the next member of my Bloodbowl team. Not much else to say about him yet.

And finally, I began another project tonight. Surprise. I've long been interested in the idea of trying to play 40k using 6mm epic figures. Most of the range is now OOP, but there are a number of quality proxies available. I got myself a small OOP marine force from ebay for not many pesos, and in the future will look to add Tau, Tyranids, Sisters of Battle and other such armies. For now I'm just going to be doing occasional bases up with what I've got.
My space marine chapter of choice has always been Imperial Fists - tough, defensive, my favourite sort of playstyle. I also like yellow.
So tonight I painted a squad of veterans (denoted by carrying assault shields), these will function as sternguard. I also painted a rhino, ostensibly to transport the squad, though eventually I'll be getting the parts to make razorbacks for the smaller squads and save the rhinos for the larger ones.
While the painting/sculpting (Mk3 helmets on a couple dudes) may appear rough, keep in mind that these guys are 6mm tall. I've never painted anything this small before and they're a bundle of fun, if fiddly. Might go back and try to neaten up some of the eagles/fists.

Thanks for reading,
~ Alex/Magos

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Epic minis, you should definitely use them for Epic Armageddon too ;). I only just found your blog so not sure if this was posted already but if you whant to play 40k in 6mm check this out:
