Saturday 25 January 2014

And.... I'm back

Sorry for the extended interlude folks! I hadn't intended to be gone for long, but between a week moving, then a week unpacking, I haven't had a lot of hobby time lately (or access to my stuff!). I only got the internet back a couple days ago too (highlight of the week...). Anyway, now that I am mostly settled into the Booliest of Warrnams, hopefully I'll be able to get stuck back into the hobby.
One thing that might provide some motivation is the fact that finally, after four years in the wilderness, I have a gaming club I can attend locally. Mostly 40k on offer, but hopefully I can convert some people to the beauty of skirmish games.
I organised to have a game of Warmachine today with one of the few club guys who plays it. 35pts, my Khador vs his Cryx. Somehow, I managed to table him without losing a model. Well, the 'somehow' probably came down to him not knowing his models or mine very well and maybe making a few mistakes, but still, I'd like to think my tactics had something to do with the outcome. (by tactics I mean, 'cast signs and portents and use For the Motherland, remove enemy models')
Either way, it was good fun and he was a good opponent. I'm looking forward to getting to try out a few other lists and options in the future.
Unfortunately, like an idiot, I forgot to take any pictures of the game today. Oops. Have to remember to take my camera next week.

Thanks for reading, hopefully more soon,

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