Wednesday 23 October 2013

Pale Ranga Dwarf; another Bloodbowl blocker

As promised, painting has happened today. I finally got my act together and cleared my desk a bit, and decided to knock out another member of my Bloodbowl team, since I have about six weeks left to finish the whole team (and learn to play better...).

Anyway, I want my team to have a fair bit of variety when it comes to skin tone. My first dwarf was fairly ruddy toned, this time I decided to do a paler dwarf, which makes sense given they spend so much time underground. I used more blues and purples in the skin to try and make the shading cool rather than warm. In general, he's not quite as good as the first team member, but that's mostly due to me spending less time on him I think. And while the overall result may not be quite as good, I'm far happier with the cloth, which was the only think I didn't like about the first. So that's progress. I'm still not totally sold on the gold. Metallic silver is easy to create depth, colour etc, gold is much harder.
I tried to stretch my skills a bit on the tattoos for this guy, creating a scaly green dragon that twists down his back. Suffice to say, it's pretty crap, though I tried to salvage it from ruining the model. I think in future I'll stick to simple abstract swirls...
I also went back and added some colour to the monochrome test base I did. I'm glad I opted to go with the coloured version, it adds a lot to the model I think.

Let me know what you think!

The team so far:

Oh, and in the process of painting this fellow I finished my Russian Rulers History podcast (until the next episode is uploaded at least), so, given my recent interest in Japanese history thanks to Ronin, I've started the Samurai Archives Japanese History podcast. Should be interesting, since I'm unfamiliar with much of Oriental history.

Thanks for reading,
~ Alex/Magos

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