Sunday 26 May 2013

It was like a real world Game of Thrones; some Yorkists wander by

Sorry it's been a while since my last post, busy end to last week, plus I was trying to get a bit more done to post at once.

Just to keep you all on your toes, here's a whole new project I've just added to my to do list :P War of the Roses historical gaming, mainly using the lovely Perry plastic models. I picked up a box cheaply last week and am very happy with them. Now I just need another 150...
I'm planning to use my own ruleset with these. I wrote it about two years ago, and actually playtested it a few times, and it was a bunch of fun, even just with cardboard squares for units. Looking forward to refining it and giving it another go. Once I'm happy with them I'll post up the rules, which are simple but quite tactical I think. I'll also be creating army lists for dark ages, ancient and maybe Thirty Years War/ECW... whenever I get around to getting armies for those.

Here's my first base of longbowmen, and a nearly done WIP of some billmen. I'm going to fix the blue on the billmen, I used a different method than the first base and it's not as good.
The colours are those of Lord Hastings, a Yorkist and Edward IV's right hand man. He was a pretty interesting guy.

More soon :)

- Alex/Magos

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